Softball Rules – Apple Cupertino

Markets: San Jose

Format: Softball


  • 10 players on the field maximum
  • 8 players required to start a game (and to not forfeit). Co-ed: A minimum of 5 males and 3 females
  • No Metal Spike Cleats
  • High arc pitching rules – arc must be higher than 6’ and may not reach higher than 12′
  • Each Batter will start with an accelerated strike count of 1-and-1 at the plate (1 ball and 1 strike)
  • 70 minutes or 7 innings. No new innings will begin after 60 minutes of play
  • Per inning Mercy rule.  Teams are allowed maximum of 8 runs scored per inning until the 5th inning
  • Teams with more than 1 forfeit with not be eligible for the playoffs
  • Forfeits will be the 2nd tie breaker for playoffs
  • Any unsportsmanlike behavior will result in that player/team being suspended/removed from participating in all ZogSports leagues for one year


1. Each team may carry a maximum of twenty-four (24) players, which must include a playing manager.

2. No player under 18 years of age will be allowed to participate, and no high school student is eligible.

3. Teams can add/drop players throughout the first half of the season.

4. No player shall be compensated for playing in any game.

5. The Apple league will have roster flexibility and all teams are allowed to borrow subs from other teams to avoid forfeits. This is for regular season and play-offs.



1. Unless otherwise stated in these rules, Amateur Softball Association (A.S.A.) Official rules will govern all league play.

2. Time Limit and Inning Rule: All games will have a 7 inning or 70-minute time limit. No new innings will begin after 60 minutes of play. If the game is tied, the game will still end after 7 innings or 70 minutes. No new innings may be played to break the tie.

3. Strike Zone: A strike zone mat will be used. Any legal pitch that “touches” any portion of home plate and the strike zone mat will be considered a strike.

4. 8 Runs per Inning Rule: Teams will be capped at earning 8 runs per inning. Once 8 runs are earned, play will end for the offensive team regardless of whether there are three outs.

  • If a team is behind by more than 8 runs, they may earn more than 8 runs to tie up the score in innings 2 through 4. Once the score is tied, play will end for the offensive team regardless of whether there are three outs.
  • Run cap is lifted at inning 5 and for the rest of the game.

5. 12-Run Rule: A 12-run rule will be in effect during all league and playoff games. If the visiting team leads by 12 runs or more after 5 complete innings, then the game will be stopped and the team leading will be declared the winner. If the home team is ahead by 12 runs or more in the middle of the 5th inning, the game will be stopped, and the home team will be declared the winner.

6. Home Run Rule: All leagues, league games, and playoffs will be governed by a home run rule. A limit of two over-the-fence home runs will be used in all games.

  • Home Run Equalizer Rule: if both teams reach the 2 HR/per game limit then if a team hits another HR it would count instead of being an out…but only one HR at a time for each team

7. 1-1 Start Count: A batter will start off with a 1-1 (one strike and one ball) count start.

  • When a batter has two strikes, they will be allowed one additional foul ball regardless of how the second strike was obtained. The next foul ball will be strike three and the batter is out.

8. Pitches will be delivered with a perceptible arc and reach a height of at least six (6) feet from the ground, while not exceeding a maximum height of twelve (12) feet from the ground.

9. Stealing bases is not allowed.

10. Teams must have at least eight (8) players on the field, in the dugout, or in the parking lot at game time; otherwise, the game is forfeited. The official may grant a ten-minute grace period to allow players to reach the field, regardless of which game it is. However, the 70-minute time clock will start at the scheduled game time. Teams must field at least eight (8) players throughout the game. If an additional player arrives (up to 10 players) while the game is in progress, then they may be inserted and placed at the bottom of the order. If at end of the grace period a team does not have at least eight (8) players, then the game will be forfeited. The decision to allow a grace period will be made by the scorekeeper.

  • The official’s watch are official game time. Game time is forfeit time.
  • The opponent of the forfeiting team will get the win. In the event of a double forfeit, both teams will receive a loss.
  • There will be no postponement or rescheduling for forfeited games.
  • Teams with ineligible players in a playoff game will automatically forfeit.

11. Injuries:

  • If a player is injured and cannot take his/her turn at bat, then he/she is considered removed from the game and cannot return in that game. His/her substitute will take his/her spot. If there is no substitute available, then the next batter will take his/her turn at bat. No out will be given.
  • Blood Rule: A player, coach, or official who is bleeding or who has blood on his uniform shall be prohibited from participating further in the game until appropriate treatment can be administered. If medical care or treatment can be administered in a reasonable length of time, the individual will not have to leave the game. The length of time considered reasonable is left to the official’s judgment.

12. A courtesy runner (one per inning) is allowed for any injured player. The person making the last out will be the courtesy runner. For co-ed, the courtesy runner must be the same gender as the batter. Exceptions at the umpire’s discretion may be made if the person is coming up in the batting order. The batter must reach first base before a courtesy runner can be used. Pinch runners are not permitted.

13. Substitutions: All players will be able to sub-in/sub-out defensively as needed.

14. Liability Waiver: All players must have signed a liability waiver form and have them on file at the Parks and Recreation office prior to participating in any games. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit.

15. Any player ejected for any reason is automatically suspended for at least one league or playoff game. No exceptions. Any player ejected from the game for any reason may not be replaced by a substitute. Their at-bat is an automatic out for the rest of the game.

16. An individual ejected from a game must leave the field, bleachers, and facility. If they refuse to leave, the official will stop the game. If he/she continues to refuse to leave, his/her team will forfeit their game.

17. No schedule changes will be allowed.

18. Uniforms: Tops or matching shirts are recommended but not required.

19. No metal cleats are allowed. Per Player’s Code of Conduct, player(s) will be immediately ejected from the game and serve at least one game suspension.

20. If one or more umpire(s) appear(s), the game must be played as scheduled. If no umpires appear, the game will be rescheduled and made up at the end of the regular season.

21. All comments concerning league managers, umpires, scorers, officials should be directed to ZogSports in writing.

22. Pregame Rules:

  • No batting practice will be allowed on the playing infield prior to game time.
  • Infield practice will be permitted if, in the opinion of the umpire, time permits.

23. Softball Bats:

  • Bats must meet ASA regulations and bear the appropriate ASA or USA certification mark. Bats may be checked by officials at any time. Team managers may request bat checks of the opposing team as they seem fit.
  • If an illegal bat is found immediately after a play, the bat will be removed, and the batter is out. If an illegal bat is found before the game, in-between innings, or after the game, the bat will be removed. In either case, the following will apply: First Incident: Owner of the bat and/or team manager will be written up and ejected from the game with one (1) suspension. Second Incident: Owner of the bat and/or team manager will be suspended for the remainder of the season. Third and Final Incident: Owner of the bat and/or team manager will be banned from the league.
  • Incidents will not reset in a new season and will stay with the player(s)/teams for the duration of time they are with the league.
  • Players may ask umpires to evaluate the bat prior to a game. There will be no penalty in this case if a bat is deemed illegal as long as the bat is not used.
  • Information regarding Approved and Non-approved Bats may be found at the end of this document or by visiting the USA Softball Certified Equipment page.


1. Dugouts and all cement aprons or strips are out of bounds.

2. A batted ball bouncing over or rolling under an outfield fence in fair territory will be a ground rule double. Effect: Two bases from start of play. A batted ball going over on the fly is home run.

3. Catch and carry: A fair hit ball caught inbounds and unintentionally carried out-of-play by momentum of the player will entitle runner or runners to one base from the start of play. A defensive player intentionally carrying a ball into out-of-play area will entitle the runner to two bases from position of runners at time ball was carried out.

4. Any batted fly ball hitting the foul pole in right or left field above the wire fence will be a home run.




1. Runners must touch home plate to score.

2. There will be no commit or home plate line.


1. A minimum of 5 males and 3 females is required at game time and throughout the game or the game will be declared a forfeit.

2. Batting Order: If both genders are equal in the lineup then genders must alternate in the order. If males outnumber females then two males are allowed to bat back-to-back if necessary. Example: F1,M1,M2,F2,M3,M4,F3,M5,M6,F4,M1,M2,F1,M3,M4, etc.

3. A maximum of 10 players can play in the field at one time with a maximum of 6 men.

4. When a batter has two strikes, they will be allowed one additional foul ball regardless of how the second strike was obtained. The next foul ball will be strike three and the batter is out. The number of balls in the count do not affect this rule.

5. On a walk to a male batter, he will go to second base. The next batter (a female) will take her regular turn at bat.

6. Sliding is permissible if it is necessary. Unnecessary or sliding with intent to harm the player covering the base may result in expulsion from the game.

7. Defensive alignment of players is at the discretion of the manager. However, before the ball is in play, infielders need to stay on the infield dirt and outfielders need to remain on the outfield grass.

8. If an additional player arrives while the game is in progress, he/she may be inserted and placed at the bottom of the batting order, up to the maximum of 24 players.

9. All Coed divisions will use a commit line that is approximately midway between third base and home plate, and a home plate line located at the front point of the plate.

10. Runners will be considered committed to home once crossing the commit line. A runner will be considered to have crossed the commit line once they touch the ground on or beyond the line. Runners will be considered safe if they cross the home plate line, touching the ground on or beyond the line before a force is made on them at home plate.

11. Runners are not allowed to touch home plate or to run through the batter’s box. Tagging a runner between the commit line and plate line does not constitute an out. Sliding into a commit line is considered an out unless in the opinion of the umpire it was done to avoid a dangerous situation.



To forfeit, please fill out this form.

Forfeits ruin the experience for everyone. ZogSports exists to give you an opportunity to play and build community and forfeiting is a huge bummer. If your team absolutely needs to forfeit, you must let us know in advance so we can contact your opponent so that they don’t unnecessarily travel to the gym/field.

If you do not inform us of a forfeit your team could face penalties in your league’s standings. Once ZogSports is notified of your forfeit, it is final (you cannot change your mind) and the other team will be notified.

Penalty for forfeiting without notifying Zog:

1. First offense, loss of game and warning will be issued

2. Second offense, loss of game and your team will be eliminated from playoff contention

3. Third offense, your team will be eliminated from the remainder of the schedule

There is no additional penalty if you show up short-handed (and need to add other ZogSports players to a full team) and have to forfeit the game, since you did make an effort to get a team to play.


TIE BREAKERS FOR PLAYOFFS/SEEDINGS (Half of each division qualifies) 

1. Winning percentage
2. Head-to-head competition
3. Record against other teams in or tied for playoffs (winning percentage – i.e., 0-1 is same as 0-2, but 1-3 is better than 0-1)
4. Number of wins
5. Record against next best common opponent
6. If team forfeited, loses tie breaker if other tiebreaker rules don’t resolve seeding

ZogSports is a charity-focused, social sports club. Our goal is for you to have fun. We hope that you keep this in mind when participating. Although the games may become intense, you still can be competitive while maintaining good sportsmanship. With this said, any behavior deemed unacceptable by the umpire or ZogSports staff may result in suspension and/or ejection from a game or the league. ALL PROTESTS MUST BE MADE AT THE FIELD. WE WON’T CHANGE THE OUTCOME OF A COMPLETED GAME.

  • Metal spikes are not allowed. Any player wearing metal spikes will be ejected from the game. If that player is caught wearing spikes a second time, they will be removed from the league. No warnings.
  • Any player(s)/team(s) that are involved in a fight will be suspended from all ZogSports Leagues for life. Any teams will forfeit all remaining games. The umpire has the right to sit a player for an inning if necessary.
  • Any excessive contact or collision will result in an out and ejection of player. You must give yourself up, get out of the way or slide. No exceptions, IMMEDIATE ejection if players do not follow this rule.
  • Any player abusing the umpire will automatically be ejected from the game without a warning.
  • A player ejected for ANY reason will be suspended for the next game. If that player is caught playing in that game, the team will forfeit.


Games will be played rain or shine at the turf fields. Games on grass will also depend on field conditions. In the event of bad weather/dangerous conditions, ZogSports offers two ways to check if your game is on or rained out: We post an alert on the ZogSports Weather Alert Hotline at (332) 213-9023 and the Weather Alert Page at
Be sure to check periodically throughout the day as conditions may change. We will reach out via email and/or text message if games needs to be rescheduled.
In the case of lightning, games will be postponed at the field for 10 or so minutes. Teams playing will be required to leave the field and move inside. Since games will resume about 10 min after the last flash of lightning, teams are required to stay at the field until the field manager officially calls the game. ZogSports will always try to complete all games even if it means shortening games. If a game reaches half time, it will be counted as official. If a game doesn’t reach half, we will try to reschedule the game from scratch. If teams leave the premises and the game continues, a forfeit will be awarded.


Beer is not allowed on/at the field. Please do your part to keep the parks clean and use the trash cans provided. This is really important. If anyone drinks alcoholic beverages at any of the fields, we risk losing our permits. Anyone who is caught drinking at the field risks being suspended for the remainder of the season without refund. We also risk losing our permits if we do not clean-up any trash left behind.ZogSports is a Charity-Focused, Co-ed Social Sports League
While we appreciate the level of competitiveness in our league, we do not tolerate any unsportsmanlike behavior. This includes anyone who:

  • Antagonizes players on other teams or their own teammates
  • Exhibits excessive uncontrollable play
  • Inappropriately “mouths off” to the referee(s)
  • Verbally or physically threatens a member of our staff
  • Any player ejected from a game will be suspended for a minimum of one game
  • ZogSports reserves the right to remove any player from a game(s), season and/or future season
  • ZogSports reserves the right to remove a full team from the schedule and/or future seasons if we feel they are unable to participate in a manner in keeping with ZogSports’ mission to provide a fun, charity-focused, co-ed league

CODE OF CONDUCT: The Participant’s Code of Conduct applies to all ZogSports participants. You can access the ZogSports Participant’s Code of Conduct HERE.

Markets: San Jose